Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 16 - It only takes Two

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.

Matt 16:24 (NET)

Following Jesus cost a lot more things than we actually know. It is not easy of course, but Jesus give us just two steps before following Him. With a lot of other words inside the Bible, Jesus compresses it into two: deny yourself and; take up your own cross.

Denying yourself simply means refuse. And what are you refusing of? Pleasures, your comfort zone, your gadgets, your video games, your alcohol habit, your drugs, your cursing habit, etc. So much things you can refuse more than you could think of. Of course it is not that easy to break a habit, but the Lord wants us to deny ourselves for before we go to the last step.

Take up your cross means accepting or challenging social critics. It doesn't mean that you have to take a burden or hardship literally when following Jesus. When you deny yourself, you are starting to change your habits and for that, people around you begun to realize how much you are changing and will become critics about it. This will be you cross taking up, all those blames and comments because they don't know the real story.

When we're done with this two, we can now decide to follow Jesus. Remember that there are lot of notes in the Bible to help you out with His instruction. Just don't lose your faith, deny yourself and take up your cross.

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