Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 13 - Great Treasure of Joy

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure, hidden in a field, that a person found and hid. Then because of joy he went and sold all that he had and bought that field.

Matt 13:44 (NET)

The parables of the kingdom of heaven is a great story to know. Just like as this one were a person found a treasure. The treasure symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven, were all great things, luxuries, beauty are there and no one could imagine how much value this treasure is. The person symbolizes the people who followed Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The person sell all his belonging's to buy the land where he hid the treasure after he found it. This act means that whoever follows the Lord and experience happiness and contentment will forgot earthly things and acquire the treasure with greatest value. The joy that the person felt when he found the treasure is literal and hiding the treasure again means keeping the treasure to himself where he secure all the words of the Lord and obey it.

Humans are delightful to any treasure so he always find a way to get any treasure of great value. And the treasure as kingdom of heaven is not easy to find but when we follow the Lord, He will give us the map and instruction how we can get that treasure.

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